Comment Wall

Link to my Storybook web page here. Please feel free to leave your comments and feedback here. Any and all are appreciated.

Here is a link to the playlist that will contain all of the music used in the my storybook. The playlist is subject to grow and change as the stories are written and fleshed out.

A music tree
Web Source: draake thone on Pexels


  1. Hi Molly,
    I love this introduction, and I am so looking forward to reading this story! You instantly caught my attention with the title of your portfolio, brilliant! As I was reading the introduction, I like how you introduced Saraswati through her relationship with Ravana. It did a good job of anchoring it within the context of the Ramayana, while showing that your storybook itself was going to go in a different direction by focusing on the goddesses and and the music, and tell stories from their point of view. I really don't have many comments about changes that you could make, there was nothing that stood out to me. Pictures are always good, of course. They can help break up the text, and when you find good ones they help to illustrate your vision. Then there is the standard grammar, spelling, punctuation review that all of us have to do with every story. But I can't think of any specific recommendations that I might make other than keep writing so that I can read the rest!

  2. Hi Molly!

    Your introduction was so great! Your storybook was the one I chose to read this week based off of the title. So right off the bat, you caught my attention with an awesome title! I also really like your style of writing. It is so interesting to read. Breaking up your introduction into small paragraphs and lines also makes it very easy to read. I did not notice much that I would change other than a few technical things. I noticed a couple grammar mistakes but those can be easily fixed with proofreading. I also noticed some switching between present and past tense. That is something I always screw up on! But I thought your introduction was pretty close to perfect. You made it interesting without revealing too much. You gave a great outline as to how your story will go. I look forward to reading more later on!

  3. Hey Molly!
    First off, the layout of your storybook looks great! I really like that on your title page you give a brief description of what your story is about. It really gives the reader an idea of whether or not it's something they'd be interested in even before reading the introduction. The image you chose is a perfect fit as well. You did an incredible job in the very first paragraph alone setting up for the entire story. Context wise, I'm so interested to see the journeys that these musical demon slayers go on. It's just such a creative idea, definitely an original.
    I honestly don't have any critiques on the content, the only suggestion I have is to run another spell check, and fix the few spelling and grammar errors found (which I know you'll do anyways)!
    Anyways, you have a great start to your storybook going! I can't wait to see where you go from here, best of luck to you!

  4. Hey Molly! I really, really loved your introduction! Like everyone else said, your title is what got me to pick your story because it seemed really interesting! The introduction was really well set-up; you provided a really great background story and started developing a plot that captured my interest immediately! I also liked the picture you chose because it's simple, yet powerful. It symbolizes Saraswati's lotus and I love that color too :-) it was super interesting to read about Ravana and Saraswati being great friends, like best friends, and then showing how they slowly drifted apart. We can clearly see why and how Ravana became the evil figure we hear about today, all the while knowing that he used to be good, peaceful, and a good friend. I don't have many critiques either, other than maybe not having a lot of small paragraphs, but combine a few into larger ones. Or reduce the space between each one? I really like the story altogether though, and good luck with the rest :)

  5. Hi Molly!

    I liked your cover page and how it had a little information on what the site is going to be about. I read through your introduction and it seems pretty interesting. I can't wait to see what types of stories you will create to show the battle between Ravana and the Devis. I like how you also added details on all the Devis and their symbolization such as Saraswati who sits in lotus and plays veena. To make it more precise, I would say to lower the spaces between small paragraphs or make big paragraphs instead of so many small ones. Also just double check on the grammar, I know I struggle with the grammar here and there too, but if you read it out loud then it helps to add comma or when to start a new sentence. I like the picture you added in for your introduction and the first page. It really does show what type of story you are going to be focusing on. Good Luck!

  6. Molly,

    I really like the setup of your page. Your home page is very simple, but tells me everything I need to know. I also like that the picture is in black and white. I feel that it just fits well. One thing you could do if you want, is add the picture to the page (as well as leaving it on the banner) so that people can see the entire picture. I had to do this on my own page as the banner crops a lot of the picture off. Your picture is very interesting and fits since it appears to go with the theme of your project. Another thing you can do it change the banner type to a large banner, which will show more of the picture in the banner.

    As for your introduction, I think it's great! It gives a nice back story and sets the stage for the rest of your project. I'm looking forward to seeing it develop over the next few weeks.

  7. Hi Molly,

    Great start to the project! I really like the layout of your webpage. It is neat, clean, and easy to navigate. I think the most important part to these webpages is the ease of navigation, and you have done an excellent job with that. Some people make there's overly complex, and that typically drives me away from their story, and on to another. Thankfully, most of the class has done well with this. Now for the introduction, this was a great job. I am really looking forward to reading this story. You really set yourself up for the rest of the semester, and it will be interesting to see how you develop this and build off of it. The battle between Rama and the Devis sounds like it will be epic, and those are my favorite types of stories to read. Overall, you are doing great and keep up the good work!

  8. Hi Molly! This is such a well fleshed out introduction. I love that you have the stories as the core text, accompanied by pictures and even music! The music is playing again as I write this comment. My kittens are intrigued. I've also got to throw in that there is a song by Queens of the Stone Age, Smooth Sailing, on one of my favorite playlists. I'm wondering where these stories are going to end up going. Will they feel more like the Ramayana or MTV? I'm very interested to see how it will play out. I'm excited to read more about Saraswati too. Her characterization is magnificent. She's so gentle and loving, being saddened instead of angered by the loss of Ravana's friendship, but she is still firm in what she believes. I hope you continue to develop her in this manner. Here's to smooth sailing from here on out!

  9. Hi, Molly! I think your introduction is actually very fantastic - it's a novel concept that adds a whole new side to the story of Ravana. I thought your pictures and the music was quite fantastic, too - they definitely helped add a new mood to the story. I'm wondering what direction you're going to take these stories, then. Maybe you could add a more clear indication of what exactly the three goddesses are planning to do in order to challenge Ravana, or what their specific goals are? I also really like the way you set up the character of Saraswati. I feel that it leaves a lot of room for you to be able to develop the characters of the other two goddesses. I am really interested to see where you will take these stories! Good luck, and I hope to read more of your work in the future!

  10. Molly, the idea of "forming a band" seems very modern, so I thought that it was a nice touch to this old epic. I loved the friendship between Saraswati and Ravana and was saddened, like the goddess, to see it come to an end. I also like the characters that you chose for your story. I did not know anything about Saraswati before reading your Introduction, and I am looking forward to getting to know her character even better. Also, in the Ramayana, Ravana was depicted as being essentially evil. For the second reading of the Ramayana, I watched Sita Sings the Blues on YouTube. In that film, it is mentioned that Ravana's sole mistake seemed to be that he had kidnapped Sita. However, he was also highly educated and prayed to all of the right gods! It is nice to see a softer side to Ravana, even if he did get jealous in the end. Also, it is cool that Saraswati moved on after the disappointment to form a girl band! Adding a music video was a good touch, too. Good job!

  11. Molly,

    First off, I was very interested to read your blog due to its great title; this choice of a title initially takes readers by surprise and makes them want to read more to figure out what it means. Then, opening your blog was a great insight about the content of your stories: the first image and title of your introduction were great. I also loved the overall design of your blog; the text was clear, easy to read, and the color scheme looked great.

    Everyone loves music, so it is a great idea to make this project about Ravana making friends through music. This character was mentioned in the story, but briefly, so it is a great idea to make it about him. I loved the video that plays some Indian music also!

    Your images, videos, and word choice fit together perfectly. The way you explain the story makes it sound like a modern band, and so many readers can relate to that! Overall, the content of your website is awesome, and I can't wait to keep watching how it progresses into the final product!

  12. Molly, I was really drawn to your storybook, because there aren't many that have incorporated music into their stories. I also really love how you added videos from youtube to display the beautiful music. I love listening to Indian music in which I could blame my dad for getting me to watch Bollywood movies. Your introduction was very unique in how you had Saraswati befriend Ravana and how Ravana was still evil in some ways. It's different how you also had the Gods create their own band back in heaven. I really enjoyed your first story after your introduction. I was a tad lost, because you didn't exactly have a music battle between Ravana and Saraswati or what didn't feel like one if you did, from my recollection. I guess I confused myself too when you said the story wasn't about Ravana, because I still expected him in your first story lol. After reading your author's note, you really explained the reasoning for your story well. I like the idea of no violence and just music battles, so it really intrigues me how you're going to have each battle in each of your stories. Or will you have any other battles in the rest of your stories? I love where you're going with this, good luck!

  13. Molly,

    I honestly picked this storybook to read just because of the very interesting title. It is so true that a good title will draw in an audience and you have done a great job in doing that. I thought that adding videos to your writing helped enhance the reading experience and I think that was something unique that I didn't see in other writings from around this class. I also thought that the characters you picked out for your story were really different and will enjoy getting to read more of what your storybook will offer further on in the semester. I think the difference of no fighting will be a good change of pace from some of these very graphic and violent battles that go on between the warriors and that fits your plot much better anyway. I am excited to read more and hope you will get to read one or two of my stories as well.

  14. Hi Molly,

    I really like the videos that you have added to your pages. Since the theme of your project is music, I think it makes for a fantastic addition as there are some things that you just can't put into words.

    Your story is extremely creative, well thought-out, and very well told. I can tell you have put a lot of work into your project so far, and it really looks great. For your website, the only suggestion I have it to put a link to your comment blog on your main page, as I know people sometimes have a hard time finding the comment blog without a link. For your stories, a minor suggestion would be to explain the what Devis of the Vedic Age means. I like that you pointed out that it is a play on the band Queens of the Stone Age, but I had no idea what the "Vedic Age" was until I looked it up, and I still have no idea what/who Devis are, even after looking it up, although that just might say more about me than anything (I'm assuming it has something to do with divas?).

    Anyway, your project looks fantastic. Great job!

  15. Hi molly!

    I liked your introduction a lot. I liked how it told a story in and of itself rather than just laying out the stories to come. It allows for a nice background to tell further stories from. If you could fix something I might suggest making it more clear (weather in the story or the author's notes) whether or not the idea of this heavenly band is actually from a story or if you came up with it on your own.

    The first story took me by surprise. As with the intro I was still unsure if this was a retelling or an original story until it came up to the fedora wearing bull. I thought it was a hilarious addition to the story, and fitting your musical band in with the story worked well too. My only gripe is that the whole fedora character feels distinctly out of place in the world of Indian epics. this creates some extra humor, but also is a bit distracting at times.

    Besides for that though, I quite enjoyed it.

  16. Hi there Molly! This is my first time visiting your page, and I must say that I am so impressed! It looks like you have put a lot of time and effort into it. All of the videos you have, with pictures and supplemental information is great.
    Something that I comment about on every blog I have been to, whether they have it or not, is the use of an introductory page that is purely information from the author to the reader. If I am being totally honest, your particular topic is something that I had no background information on. Musical demon slayers? Okay maybe I can figure it out. But the story of Ravana, yeah I had no clue! So I do give you props for being inclusive and reaching out to all readers.
    I have no suggestions to give for your blog. I really do like the stories you have written. They are a little out of this world, but the fact that you tied them in so well with real events is super cool. As a reader, I thank you and praise you for being very informational in your writing, allowing us who don't have a strong background to be able to follow. Happy Writing!

  17. Hi Molly!
    Great work on your project! You are the first story I've come across that has really incorporated music - that's so awesome! I really liked that you included that video in your introduction as well, it really added a depth to your story. I have had a difficult time getting into some of the reading sections, having been pretty used to Greek Mythology, but your project really made this new genre really fun and accessible for me! It would be nice, however, to have a bit more of an introduction to Ravana, Saraswati, etc Just for those of us who haven't read very many Indian epics! Other than that awesome job! Keep up the great work!

  18. Hey Molly, I am from the Myth and Folklore section and decided to look at your project based on you comments that you have received because it seemed like it would be a fun project to review. Well, that and because of your title, "Musical Demon Slayer" just really pulls a reader in haha. Reading your stories I was really impressed with what you have accomplished. It looks like you have really spent some time on the project and put together something really nice. I particularly liked that you incorporated music clips within each section to really give the reader a sense of what you are trying to portray. Really all I can criticize is that I would have liked a little more background on what the topic was over, but this is mainly because I am not in this particular class. Other than that great job and keep it up. I am sure others in your class are happy to have a story like this to read each week.

  19. Hi Molly!
    First of all, I really appreciate the effort you put into finding and embedding music for your Storybook. It enhances the whole project and makes the reader feel immersed in the universe you write about. I have to mention that the picture of the asura wearing a fedora actually made me laugh out loud! I'm still smiling now just thinking of it. So thank you for inserting humor like that into your stories! I'm in the mythology/folklore class, so I have no background on Indian epics. For someone like me who is completely ignorant of this topic, it would be helpful to include a little information in one or all of the author's notes about Devis, the Vedic Age, and Vedas. You did a great job giving me an idea of who Saraswati is in the introduction, which helped me as I read through the stories. I really like the flow of your writing; the dialogue and descriptions mix together very nicely for lively, easy-to-read stories. In fact, it's hard to give you much "feed-forward" because the stories were all so pleasant to read. I'm not sure what the word count is of the second story, but if you're looking to add anything to it, I think a description of the flute that Lakshmi plays would be so nice. Another small detail you could add would be Narada's look that he gives Lakshmi. You say that a look flashes across his face, but what kind of look? Angry, disappointed, scheming? Finally, I'd like to say that the author's note for this story was extremely helpful, and I enjoyed seeing how you brought together so many elements from different stories! The effort that (I'm assuming) you've put into this project really shows, and I'm so glad I chose this one to read this week!

  20. Hey, Molly-
    I can remember reading your introduction at the very beginning of the semester- but I have not seen your storybook yet! You have the most unique of all the storybooks thus far. I've read and commented on so many of them- but the war you incorporate the music in every one of your stories is really cool. You seem like you knew exactly what you wanted to do for this project- and it turned out really cool. I've read a lot of great stories, but many people are missing out by not including much media at all. I've suggested including music and videos to a lot of people- but you have done it wonderfully. I hope that other people are influenced by your creativity this semester. Keep up the work- it's super interesting, and we only have 4 week left! (Or less if you push it!)

  21. Hi Molly,

    It looks like you are off to a great start with your project. Although I came across your page with the randomizer, I was excited to continue to your page after reading the title of it. You took a good approach with the music and I like how you posted a link to the music included in your project. This gave us, the readers, a chance to really experience what message you are trying to send. You do a really good job of keeping the reader engaged and entertained by posting various photos and videos. I just came across my first page that included videos, and I mentioned that I thought it was a great idea, so good job! You use really good dialogue between the characters and are really good at developing your plot. Great job on the project so far, I look forward to coming back to your page and reading more stories throughout the semester!


  22. Hi Molly!

    I'm so glad your storybook came up for me, because it's so creative and cute! The introduction was perfect and made me really excited to see what kinds of musical adventures I'd get to have while reading your stories. You did a great job at setting up the foundation for what you would write next, and I liked how you gave us an idea of what to expect at the very end (a confrontation).
    Your first story had me laughing out loud! I loved the details and the modern twist you placed in it by making Mahishasura a fedora-wearing misogynist. You really captured the original story but made it your own with music and a modern twist. I also really appreciated the videos you placed among your story, which made me consider possibly adding some cooler elements to my own storybook. Out of the two stories, this one was my favorite (although I loved the second one as well. I, too, think Saraswati should remain as Durga).

  23. Hi Molly,

    I have read your introduction back when we first started the project. I must say all your stories are so impressive. I read first two stories from your storybook and I really enjoyed them. I only have one suggestion, which is to double check on grammar. Which will be easy to fix as there are not too many errors. I really loved the idea of incorporating several media into the story, which is really creative. I have not seen stories that have incorporated many media into the story. It helps keep the story alive and more interesting for the audience. I also liked the image of bull and man that you incorporated. Looks like you have some editing skills as well. I like the way you built your first story of having a musical battle to drive those asuras away, especially Mahishasura. Overall, great job! I can't wait to see your overall project.

  24. Hey Molly!
    I just finished reading your story, Durga and Mahishasura. First off the layout of your webpage is really neat and easy to navigate. Also, the images that you used as a headers for your story are really pretty and interesting.
    Back to your story, Durga and Mahishasura. I thought that it was a really interesting take that you did by having a concert be preformed in a music festival that involved a lot of these Indian gods and figures. I also really liked how you linked in music directly in the page and used it as part of the story. That was very creative. I really did like the music that you selected for the story.
    It was also interesting that you incorporated the kidnapping aspect of the story and then had the two sides fight with music.

  25. Hey Molly!
    I can definitely say that you've made great progress on your storybook from the last time I was here. I still think you've chosen a great layout and your site is set up so nicely. I also really like that you include Youtube videos within your storybook because it really adds the final touch. I can tell you've really thought about how you want your storybook to end and each week your story additions are great! I love how in-depth you describe your characters and even include dialogue. The dialogue really helps me to enjoy the story even more and understand the relations between characters more!
    Like last time, I really have no critiques on your content. I love the originality! My only suggestion is once again to look back at some spelling and grammar in the most recent story, but again, I know you'll do that anyways and I found very few typos.
    I'm so excited to see the remainder of your storybook, you're doing an awesome job!

  26. Hi Molly! I love what you have done with music in your project. Yours is the first project that I have seen that has really incorporated music and I think it is really creative. The layout of the site is great. I love the images you have chosen and the fact that you have included so many videos to go along with your stories. The site looks very clear and is easy to navigate. I read your story "Durga and Mahishasure and I think it is very good. I found it very creative that you used a music festival involving Indian Gods and figures. The idea of including the kidnapping and then having the two sides fight with music was awesome. Great work!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Hello Molly ! Great job on your portfolio so far! I am really impressed by the way you have it set up and the topic at hand. I like how you incorporated music to go along with every story. That was a great idea because lie would be so boring to me with out music. The music choices that you made as well was perfect for your stories. I think I might consider doing this myself. The effort that you put into your project really shows! It was also a great idea to incorporate the music with the story about kidnapping. The music really helped me visualize and feel like I was there in fight. I felt this way because the music had two different sides to it. Great Job!

  29. Hi Molly! It was so nice to revisit your stories now that there are more of them. I enjoyed the introduction so much earlier in the semester, so it was nice to see how it's developing. I was so happy to see that the other stories have videos too. They add such an absolutely wonderful atmosphere to the story, and you choose them so perfectly, and describe the music in the stories so well. It's so nice the way you include all the different instruments and characters too, amongst all of the intricate plot. Honestly, I don't know what I could possibly recommend. I love your stories, and I'm so excited to see all the different characters in such wonderful shining moments. It will be lovely to see how you compose the battle with Ravana. I love the peaceful musical battles. They're lovely. And I love the focus on and exaltation of native instruments. It would certainly be lovely to see more of that.

  30. I read your introduction way back when, and I loved it, so I was really glad the randomizer sent me back your way! You have added so much to this storybook, it's amazing. I really like the videos/music that you've embedded within the pages, it really adds to your story and takes it to a whole other level. Your writing was great and really clean, no wonky editing issues to distract from the story. I also really enjoyed the way you've done your dialogue. It's very casual and just sounds like it's the way a bunch of musicians would talk. The overall atmosphere of the story is really interesting, and it goes without saying that it's creative! Stories about strong women are the best. Great job!

  31. Hey Molly! This is the second time I am visiting your storybook. The first time is when you only had the introduction up, so I liked coming back and seeing all these great stories! Your title is really strong and it captured my attention both times I visited your page! I love how you incorporated so much about the goddesses themselves, as well as the musical instruments each one plays. I also thought it was very original and creative of you to find so many music videos and pictures and embed multiple in each story! The music videos you picked were great to listen to and the fact that there was a new song every few paragraphs made it interesting. The dialogue you used for each character was also great in each story. It all flowed really well with the setting, layout, theme, and plot of your storybook! Great job on your project :)

  32. Hi Molly,

    I read your story, "One Song Rule them all." This is the last story that I have had left to read and now I am all caught up on them. I was excited to read about the battle! It was really unique to see the story take its turn. I was not aware of the original story until I read your author's note, which was really informative for those of us who had no clue on the goddess's background. I loved the way you incorporated so many pictures and videos into the story. It make the story look more alive and keeps the readers interested in reading more. All the videos that you have incorporated helped me visualize the battle better. I did not see any grammar mistakes so well done! You also added dialogues to keep the story flowing so I don't really have any criticism. Looks like you have the whole thing under control. Well done on the overall project!

  33. Hi, Molly! This week, I read your story titled "The Devis' Sea-Esta." I think the layout and interface of your story is wonderful, and is really appealing to the eye. It has good hints of color and aesthetic appeal, but is also simple enough to not be overwhelming. As for your story, I thought it was a really creative approach to the concepts of the goddesses and their relationship with characters like Vishnu (in his many avatars) and Narada. I think that your descriptive language and frequent dialogue really helped engage the reader, and I also really loved the way you developed your characters through dialogue. You made the reader understand the nature of Lakshmi's love for Vishnu. One recommendation I would have is to explain the videos that you link in your story better. Overall, I think you did a fantastic job at your story!

  34. I'm back and very happy to have read your latest installment! It's just as humorous as the others, which I am very excited about. I loved the part about "cosmic and legal retribution." I thought the power with the music greatly paralleled the original power of the gods and asuras. You seem very knowledgeable on how their powers work and who they are, and it really shows in your stories. It's very creative to have them use these powers and yet somehow relate them to playing instruments! Your stories are so full of humor and tension and are so much fun to read as well! You also make great use of adding videos and pictures to the stories, and they make the action flow even better when you do so! It's a cool way to break up the reading into sections and give clarity to your story. I can't wait to see the last installment!

  35. Hi Molly. I decided I would come back and check out what you have done with your project since that last time I looked at it. Your latest addition is great! I love the humor and creativity that you have used in all of your stories. The musical power is very interesting and from what I can tell it seems like you have done a good job of making the musical power similar to the original powers of the gods. Your stories really show that you know a good amount about the gods and their powers. Yours is still one of my favorite projects. I love what you have done by incorporating music as a major part of the stories. All of your writing is full of humor and tension and is so much fun to read. Great work!

  36. Hi Molly. Somehow I had yet to read your storybook yet. I like your website layout and color scheme. I think it plays well into what you are writing about. Dark and light colors with a great background picture. You did a great job with your introduction and really explaining what the reader can expect. Your first story was wonderful as well. Like other comments I enjoyed your humor and creativity you have put into this project. Music really can be a powerful tool so I like that you made it an actual power. Great job. Keep it up!

  37. Hello again!
    I came back to your stories to check up on how they're coming along since the idea from the begining was so intriguing.
    I don't know if I mentioned this earlier, but I enjoy how you add YouTube videos so we can get a taste of the music your story is centered on. It really helps to draw me into the stories. At the same time though the fact that they're presented as videos separates them from the writing in a thematic way. It makes the blog feel a bit uneven since the videos are so different.
    The storytelling is fun and the way you incorporate music into previous stories to add to your overall narrative is great!
    I'm excited to see it finished.

  38. Hey Molly.
    I would like to start off by saying how much I love the design of your storybook. The color scheme and the pictures all go well together. I also really love how you are making music a big element in your stories and I love how it works with them. I also love how you put videos in the stories it helped me visual them better. All your stories are very creative. I also like how your author’s notes are good at explaining why you chose the stories you did and what elements you took from them. All in all, they are very creative, fun, and adventurous stories. I hope to be able to read more of your stories soon. I hope you have a good rest of the semester.

  39. Hi Molly! I’m just going to start off by saying how much I enjoyed the videos you incorporated into your stories! I thought this was a very nice touch! I think my favorite part was how you demonstrated friendship in your writing. I thought the introduction did a very well job leading us into your project. I also thought you did a great job developing jealousy within your characters. However, I did find myself having to try to follow what was happening in your stories. I know this is a small thing that might not even make a huge different, but you could change your spacing to something a little lower to make the formal more whole and easy to follow. Other than that, I thought you did a great job, and I also really enjoyed the imagery you chose for the stories. I had to take a minute to just admire the pictures. Great work.

  40. Molly,

    I am glad I got to make it back to your story and get to read more of what these stories had to offer because I loved what I got to read from earlier in the semester. I noticed you had added two or three new stories and you did a great job with all of them. I loved the story "one song to rule them all" and thought it was great how you added music and videos to your story. I think adding that really elevated your story to being great because with out them it would of felt like something was missing. It made it easy to relate to your reading because I could hear what my eyes were telling me. I think you've done a great job with your project and was happy to get to come back and read some more of it at the end of the semester.

  41. Hi Molly! I have visited your portfolio a couple of times and it has been one of my favorites so I decided I would check out the newest additions. I think there are a few new stories that I haven't read yet and I really enjoyed them. The story "One Song to Rule Them All" is great. I think the idea of a battle of the bands is awesome. I also had a little laugh when I read about the waiver all participants had to sign because of the power of the music even though it was a battle to the death. The announcer had some great dialogue about that, too. I love the ending as well. Having Ravana jump down onto the stage and do a "Superhero landing" was a great touch and the last sentence was a great way to end the story. I love the addition of music videos into the page. They really add a lot to the page and I think it's very creative. Great work!

  42. Hey, Molly! I was poking around in the projects to finish up the semester and your title caught my eye! I am all for musical demon slayers! It was also awesome to find someone else who has used music in their project! I am in the Myth & Folklore class and have linked sound and/or songs to each of my stories either through YouTube of Spotify. Honestly, there isn't much I can critique, which I guess is good since it is the end of the semester. Besides the inclusion of music, which was awesome, your stories are also wonderfully written. I especially enjoyed your plotting. I am an English Writing major and let me tell you, plotting is difficult. But you do it well, your plot is easy to follow throughout which makes your project a joy to read. I think the only thing that I found was a couple awkwardly phrased spots in your dialogue. Well done!


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