My Favorite Places

For whatever reason, I usually have trouble coming up with an answer when asked what my favorite place is. I search through my memories of specific places I've been to throughout my life, and yet there is nothing that stands out as a favorite. In slight frustration, I decide to go out to a local coffee shop to give myself a break before thinking this over again. As I was staring into the quiet space of the dimly lit room while waiting for my currant black tea, I realize my answer: coffee and tea shops.

Image of an aesthetically pleasing coffee shop with a large assortment 
of beans, flavored syrups, and informational chalk boards
Web Source: tpsdave on Pixabay

There is nowhere specific in mind in terms of a favorite shop. I've thoroughly enjoyed my experience in every one to which I have been no matter if it was in a "sketchy" part of town or too bourgeois for my taste. I have always been a tea lover, and coffee recently has been finding a way into my heart. My love for discovering interesting tea blends and the need to satiate my terrible caffeine addiction draws me to these places like a moth to light. More and more often I find myself sitting in one either relaxing or working on homework. Besides perhaps home, there is no other kind of place I would rather be.

Image of green tea being poured into cups served with cinnamon sticks and possibly mint
Web Source: Wikimedia Commons


  1. I am a big believer in coffee also, Molly... in fact, I am drinking coffee right now. And have you ever had Indian Masala chai? It is another one of the great beverages of the world! Wikipedia: Masala chai. I say: yummm!

    1. I have had Masala chai. The places I have been to tend to make it too sweet for my taste, but nonetheless, it is delicious!

    2. I know what you mean! I buy a cardamon chai that is unsweetened, and I don't add any sugar at all: it's fabulous!


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