Reading Notes: Narayan's Mahabharata, Part A

  • Consider a story about Ganga and the drowning of 7 children - but how to transform such a story?
  • Satyavati (lady who originally smelled like fish): turn her into a mermaid
    • make her top half human, bottom half fish (or vice versa for comedic effect)
    • retell "love" story between her and sage
  • Kunthi has a pretty great power to be honest...
  • Okay, but I do not think that rolling over causing an earthquake comes from strength; that just sounds like a heavy baby. Unless it was caused the force the initiates the roll...
  • Is Kunthi actually enjoying this experience? It feels like she is being forced to pump out extraordinary kids for her husband. I know that is the attitude of the time, but it still seems unreasonable.
  • There is no way Gandhari as a whole would remain intact, let alone be healthy, after bearing a hundred sons... Geez... It just hurts to think about.
  • What if the hundred sons were combined into one person with the strength and skills of a hundred people?
  • Seems kind of shady for Drona to train the boys and then ask them to go after a king.
  • Expand on the sequence of the five boys going after King Drupada (did the story imply "war"?).
  • Check why there would be a Shiva festival going on prior to the crowning of a new king. Maybe along the lines of the end of an old era and renewal to all?
  • Why would Duryodhana choose to kill Kunthi along with her sons? What has she done to him?
  • Who did the remains of the woman and five sons found in the burned down house actually belong to?
    • Write a story concerning how there got there and who they were
    • Write the story like a forensic and criminal investigation over the crime scene
  •  A demon named "Baka"... Reading that, I thought Bhima was yelling an insult at him (i.e. "idiot")
  • Write about the battle between Bhima and Baka (what alliteration!) in the style of Dragon Ball
    • keep in mind images of torn trees, thrown boulders, and hitting each other with their fists
  •  I do not think that they have the right to call poor Draupadi a sinner for having five husbands. It is not like she had a choice in the matter. 
 Bhima fighting with Bakasura
Web Source: Wikimedia Commons

Bibliography. Narayan's Mahabharata, link to Reading Guide A.


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