Reading Notes: Narayan's Ramayana, Section C

  • Consider actually continuing the story written from Week 3
  • High School Rama Drama Part 2
    • Ravana approaches Sita after school looking like a normal student instead of some jerk jock
    • Ravana uses a ton of lame pick-up line that he legitimately thinks will work on her
    • Ravana desperately flings Sita over his shoulder and kidnaps her
    • A bodyguard that has been secretly watching over the trio this whole time sees this and tries to save Sita, but Ravana savagely beats him up with his brutish strength
    • Rama and Lakshmana recruit a set of friends or allies to help look for Sita (could be some school clubs or the police)
    • A rivalry among these clubs must be settled before any cooperation and search party can happen
    • After scouring neighborhoods and streets, a club comes across a kind person wandering the streets (or maybe a Deep Throat or even an overly generous information broker) that tells where he or she saw Sita was taken
    • An incredibly skilled member (or whatever he is) and friend of the trio dashes off into the night in the direction he was told Sita was taken
  • "When strong men commit crimes, they become heroic deeds?"
    • A thought provoking question
  • Reimagine fight between Sugreeva and Vali in terms of something like a Dragon Ball fight sequence
    • lots of back and forth blurry punching and kicking
    • lots of flashy dodging
    • include a lot of unnecessary dialogue about justice, virtue, brotherhood, or something to draw out story/scene and to make fighting sequence gratifying yet short when it finally does happen
    • obnoxiously long sequences of screaming and increasing or calling upon power
    • slow death scene
    • offers an opportunity to draw simple yet fun and exciting fight scenes to go with this
    • All of this can be done in a humorous way, which may take it to a greater inspiration 
    • from One Punch Man rather than Dragon Ball
Vali Dying
Web Source: Wikimedia Commons

Bibliography. Narayan's Ramayana, link to Reading Guide C


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