Reading Notes: Narayan's Ramayana, Section B
Chapter 4:
- Imagine an alternate story where Kamavalli/Soorpanaka actually managed to trick and steal away Rama by some spell (or maybe in a way along the lines of a succubus in a dream?), and Sita must brave through (maybe with help from Lakshmana) to break the spell and save Rama
- Perhaps the before mentioned scenario but where Lakshmana is the victim (or both he and Rama)?
- Re-imagine the whole scenario as a petty high school drama:
- Hot bad-boy Rama is new to the block with his super sweet wife/girlfriend Sita and his brother
- Kamavalli/Soorpanaka vies for his attention (Ra-rama-senpai...)
- With no luck she tries to sobotage/humiliate Sita, but Lakshmana discovers this and turns the tables
- Being humiliated instead, Soorpanaka sics the jocks and other jerks in her posse on the trio, but Rama beats them up
Chapter 5:
- Why is anyone who comes across someone who is beautiful, attractive, or something along those lines reduced to a state of either hopeless moping or outwardly destructive tendencies?
- Is it really love that these people feel at first sight (or really just an image in Ravana's case) or just unrelenting torture caused by lust?
- A continuation of the high school drama thought:
- Ravana could be some obnoxiously popular brute who feels he is entitled to the world
- Re-imagine Ravana's world-disrupting sequence of dealing with his newly found lust for a girl he has never met
- bumping into people and disrupting normal activity
- lurking on the Internet checking out Sita's social media pages as a different version of images of her approaching and haunting him (similar with Soorpanaka and Rama)
- Method of how to get rid of Rama and Lakshmana: TBA
Rama spurning Soorpanaka
Web Source: Wikimedia Commons
Bibliography. Narayan's Ramayana, link to Reading Guide B
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