Reading Notes: Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution Part A

  • The animation of the videos really helps in visualizing the story. The drawing style is cute, too. This brings a thought to try to write and draw a story in the form of a comic. Unfortunately, this may take too much time to do. It still may be fun and worth a shot.
  • I had completely forgotten about Bhishma was given a gift to choose his time of death. That would have the ending part where he lay on a bed of arrows until the end of the war make more sense.
  • You could write about Devavrat (Bhishma) making his vow of celibacy to bring the fisherman's daughter to his father. You could use imagery of the world shaking, sky darkening, lightening striking, thunder sounding, and so on to all the more highlight the doom that would come.
  • The three Amb- sisters were stolen away? Was that part of a war that was waged to get them or something else?
  • Write a more in-depth story as to what happened when Amba went to go see her love, King Shalva, and he rejecting her.
  • Even better, explore Amba's seeking of vengence against Bhishma.
    • Include come to Parashurama for help, who would then fight Bhishma.
    • Go into how Amba dies and is reborn into the warrior who will end Bhishma.
  • I have already done a retelling of Satyavati and the rishi. It would be unwise to return to the same subject.
  • Was Vyasa ugly? Was he naturally ugly, or was that a result of him living in the forest and having no chance to groom himself before being with the queens? And why did the maid not fear him? Did the maid see the beauty in his heart and soul or something? Did Vyasa realize he had been with a maid and not the queen?
    • You could always explore this from the point of view of the maid. 
  •  Shakuni sought revenge for the injustice of Gandhari choosing to blind herself... Was he the same one who played the corrupt game of dice or no?
  • You could go into depth as to how Gandhari knew all along her husband would be blind and how she chose to blindfold herself for the rest of her life.
 The sage Narada and the gods stop Bhishma's battle with Parashurama
Web Source: Wikimedia Commons

Bibliography. Mahabharata:Karmic Revolution by Epified TV (India), link to Playlist A.


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