Week 8 Progress

Looking at my current progress, I seem to be a small bit ahead, which is great! I have been managing to finish almost every assignment so far at least a couple of days before they are due, so I would say I have a good routine. Out of everything, I think I enjoy the readings the most. They are entertaining as well as informative about mythology and culture. Reading what we have so far also gives me something more productive to do than scroll through social media while riding the Lloyd Noble shuttle to and from campus. I have been making some use of the weekly extra credit but not as much as I should. I tell myself at the beginning of every week that I should do them, and then I don't.

For the second half of the semester, I want to take greater advantage of the weekly extra credit and try to work further ahead than I have been managing before. While I enjoy being able to take things at a kind of leisurely pace, it would also be nice to try to finish a couple of weeks early.

Inspiration image in favor of running away from my/your problems
Web Source: wolfgangfoto on Flickr


  1. Welp, I guess that's a thought! I definitely am one that always scrolls through social media accounts on the Lloyd Noble bus. But you're right, reading for this class would be much more productive!
    Also, I'm right there with you on planning to do extra credit then by the end of the week I'm like "ehhh, next week?"
    But yes, finishing a few weeks early would definitely be worth doing extra credit when given time!


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