Extra Reading Notes: Devdutt Pattanaik's Seven Secrets of Hindu Calendar Art, Part E (Brahma)

  • Brahma creates the universe for a reason but forgets it?
  • A God becoming enchanted by his own daughter sounds like something you could expect from Greek mythology. Ew... Was the goddess who kept changing her form to escape from Brahma Saraswati? I think I remember something across and reading that story somewhere. And the Goddess being upset brought Shiva's wrath upon Brahma, which resulted in one of his heads (the fifth one) being chopped off, which represented the ego.
  • What is a lakh womb?
  • "By controlling the world, he believe he will validate his existence." That makes me think of all those politicians, business people, and religious figures. They all push for control over the world and others for their own selfish desires (though these people may not truly believe or understand that said desires are selfish and even harmful). These things are temporary and unfulfilling. These acts and goals are not worthy of praise or worship. So I guess if a God is like this, neither is he worthy of praise and worship.
  • With all of that in mind, is Brahma absent minded? He forgets why he creates the universe. He let the Vedas slip out of his mouth while he slept only for a demon get a hold of them. He chases after a poor Goddess who refused his advances. There is a word for what he is; I just cannot think of what it is at the moment.
  • You can influence aspects of fate through gemstones and other such things associated with each Graha. Are they each some celestial body? I recognize the sun and the moon, but who are the others?
  • Is the arrangement of walls, windows, and doors of Vastu Purusha something similar to feng shui? Is there something similar to placing certain colors or objects in certain directions or corners?
  • There are one thousand names of Vishnu? Can people actually memorize all of them?
  • Even if Brahma is not worthy of worship, is there still a chance that someone out there does worship him? Is there some small and secluded sect or cult like this? I feel like that is a real possibility.
A roundel of Brahma
Web Source: Wikipedia Commons

Bibliography. "Seven Secrets of Hindu Calendar Art" by Devdutt Pattanaik, link to Part F.


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